BlackRose Fashion, Q-Essentials and Park Place for SWANK April Event – by PetraLAlexander-Valerian©™

No matter how long the winter, spring is sure to follow. ~Proverb SWANK EVENTS PRESENTS “SPRING CELEBRATION” SWANK is a monthly designers event bringing together a select… Read more “BlackRose Fashion, Q-Essentials and Park Place for SWANK April Event – by PetraLAlexander-Valerian©™”

Prey, B and C Designer, LUNA Body Art, Outside the Box and PosESioN for SWANK April Event – by PetraLAlexander-Valerian©™

Butterflies are self propelled flowers. ~R.H. Heinlein SWANK EVENTS PRESENTS “SPRING CELEBRATION” SWANK is a monthly designers event bringing together a select group of designers with themed… Read more “Prey, B and C Designer, LUNA Body Art, Outside the Box and PosESioN for SWANK April Event – by PetraLAlexander-Valerian©™”